our ADVISORy group
The EJGP Advisory Group is made up of non-profit executive directors and program directors, leaders of community-based organizations, and others. Together, they represent all of the EJGP topic areas (plus a few others) and different neighborhoods and municipalities. Many of these individuals also lead or participate in networks for their specific issue-areas.
This group meets every other month to discuss the direction and work of the network and to share updates on campaigns and projects. Between meetings, members connect with Project Team members to discuss EJGP activities and EJGP-supported network member campaigns. Together, they are a group of leading advocates focused on creating healthy, equitable, and just communities in Greater Pittsburgh.

Alyssa Lyon
Black Environmental Collective (UrbanKind Institute)

Matt Mehalik
Breathe Collaborative (Breathe Project)

Michelle Naccarati-Chapkis
Lead Safe Allegheny (Women for a Healthy Environment)
community development

Malik Bankston
Community Advocate
data & technology

Illah Nourbakhsh
Carnegie Mellon University Center
for Shared Prosperity and CREATE Lab

Emily Neff
Trying Together

Cara Ciminillo
Trying Together

Chef Claudy Pierre
The EAT Initiative

Jo Deming
Pittsburgh Food Policy Council

Dr. Tracey Conti
Black Equity Coalition

Bob Damewood
Housing Advocate

Carol Hardeman
Hill District Consensus Group
immigrant experiences & rights

Holly Hickling
The Global Switchboard

Monica Ruiz
Casa San Jose

Renee Aldrich
Pittsburgh Black Worker Center

Juan Garrett
Riverside Center for Innovation
public safety & legal justice

Brandi Fisher
Alliance for Police Accountability

Laura Wiens
Pittsburghers for Public Transit
neighborhood represesntatives

Rhonda Strozier
Our Future Hilltop

Donna Jackson
Larimer Consensus Group

Dina "Free" Blackwell
House of Manna

Terri Minor Spencer
West End P.O.W.E.R.

Tiffany Taulton
Hazelwood Initiative

Fawn Walker-Montgomery
Take Action Advocacy Group

Brittany Reno
Mayor, Sharpsburg
Former Members
Shad Henderson, Neighborhood Allies
Dawn Plummer, Pittsburgh Food Policy Council
Raqueeb Ajamu-Osagboro, Black Urban Gardeners of Pittsburgh
Carl Redwood, Black Workers Table
Jenny Rafanan-Kennedy, Pittsburgh United
Anneliese Martinez, Pittsburgh Learning Collaborative